HILLCON Incar Rp 884,6 M dari IPO, Simak Jadwal …

HILLCON merupakan Perusahaan Holding yang menjalankan Aktivitas Konsultasi Manajemen serta Jasa Pertambangan dan Jasa Konstruksi melalui Perusahaan Anak. Baca: Telkomsel Lebih Hoki dari Investor Kakap Pra-IPO di GOTO Pemegang saham perseroan saat ini adalah PT Hillcon Equity Management 81% dan PT Bukit Persada …

Calon Emiten Tambang Hillcon Siap IPO, Gandeng 3 …

Bisnis, JAKARTA - Calon emiten pertambangan PT Hillcon Tbk. akan memaparkan rencana aksi korporasi penawaran umum saham perdana atau IPO di Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI). Dalam undangannya, manajemen Hillcon menyebutkan akan melakukan paparan publik Penawaran Umum Perdana Saham PT Hillcon Tbk. pada …


PT Hillconjaya Sakti is an expert in civil construction works, where we always prioritize the highest quality and speed. Our areas of expertise also include planning work methods as well as comprehensive planning and testing teams. Road Construction Providing services with the best and comprehensive methods


худаг нүүрсний уурхайн орчимд гадаргын ус тухайлбал гол, горхи байхгүй. Хамгийн ойрын гадаргын усны хотгор нь түүнээс баруун урд зүгт ойролцоогоор 10км-т оршдог Улаан нуур юм.


худаг нүүрсний уурхайн орчимд гадаргын ус тухайлбал гол, горхи байхгүй. Хамгийн ойрын гадаргын усны хотгор нь түүнээс баруун урд зүгт ойролцоогоор 10км-т …

Адуунчулуун ХК

Адуунчулууны нүүрсний уурхай байгуулагдсан цагаасаа хойш жарны хугацаанд 14,9 сая тонн нүүрс олборлон Дорнодчууддаа нийлүүлж, олон арван ур чадвартай инженер техникийн ажилчдыг бэлтгэж, улс …

PT Hillconjaya Sakti (Hillcon Mining)

Lowongan Kerja PT Hillconjaya Sakti (Hillcon Mining) 1. SPV HR Recruitment 2. Foreman HR Recruitment 3. Produksi Batubara & Nikel 4. Foreman Mine Plan Eng 5. Foreman PIT Control Eng 6. Foreman Grade Control Kualifikasi Pria, Usia maks. 40 tahun Pendidikan min. S1 (Psikologi No. 1,2, Semua jurusan No. 4) Pendidikan …

Siap Melantai di BEI, Hillcon Optimis Bisnis Tumbuh Optimal

PT Hillcon Tbk akan menggelar penawaran umum perdana (initial public offering/IPO) kepada publik sebanyak 2.211.500.000 saham pada 14 hingga 18 Juli 2022 di Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI). Jumlah saham yang ditawarkan mencapai 15% dari modal disetor Hillcon setelah IPO saham. IPO ini didahului dengan penawaran awal pada 15 …


Starting from the Construction Sector In 1995 and HIllcon also expanded to enter the mining world in 2004. With Hillcon's experience and success in the Construction and Mining sector that has become increasingly trusted, we have completed more and more projects. Hillcon also wants to add Business Units in the Property and Heavy Equipment sector ...


Hillcon Group started from PT Hillconjaya Sakti which was established in 1995, is engaged in civil & mining contractors. To date, Hillcon has completed hundreds of projects, both large and small, with aspects of work safety, health safety, operating safety and the environment. Each of our projects is carried out with quality and speed of work ...

SCG | Sebuku Coal Group

SEBUKU COAL GROUP has, since 2010, successfully carried out coal mining in 2020 with a total coal production of 1.6 million Mt, and continues supply of coal to various well renowned end users and clients, both in Indonesia and abroad.. We enjoy a strategic position with respect to production, marketing and distribution arrangements. We have …


Starting from the Construction Sector In 1995 and HIllcon also expanded to enter the mining world in 2004. With Hillcon's experience and success in the Construction and Mining sector that has become increasingly trusted, we have completed more and more projects. Hillcon also wants to add Business Units in the Property and Heavy Equipment sector.