Supercritical CO2 Extraction and Purification of Compounds …

Supercritical fluid extraction (SCFE), based on the utilization of a fluid under supercritical conditions, is a technology suitable for extraction and purification of a variety of compounds, particularly those that have low volatility and/or are susceptible to thermal degradation. The interest in SCFE is promoted by legal limitations of conventional …

Supercritical Fluid Extraction

Supercritical Fluid Extraction. SFE is a highly selective method using pressurized fluids as solvents. A supercritical fluid originates from a fluid being forced to pressure and temperature that is above its critical point causing the liquid and gas phases to become indistinguishable from each other. Supercritical fluids exhibit physicochemical ...

The Journal of Supercritical Fluids

The Journal of Supercritical Fluids is an international journal devoted to the fundamental and applied aspects of pressurized substances and mixtures in the fluid state especially at conditions above the critical point including reactions, separations and chemical processes. Its aim is to provide a focused platform for academic and industrial researchers to …

sCO2 Technology |

Developing high-efficiency, low-cost power generation based on supercritical carbon dioxide-based power cycles. The supercritical carbon dioxide (sCO 2) power cycle operates in a manner similar to other turbine cycles, but it uses CO 2 as the working fluid in the turbomachinery. The cycle is operated above the critical point of CO 2 so that it does …

Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Power Systems | SwRI

Supercritical carbon dioxide (sCO2) is carbon dioxide held above a critical temperature and pressure, which causes it to act like a gas while having the density of a liquid. It's also nontoxic and nonflammable, having been used in dry cleaning processes as well as to decaffeinate coffee. Its supercritical state makes sCO2 a highly efficient fluid to …

Innovative power generation systems using supercritical CO2 …

Abstract. Supercritical carbon dioxide (sCO 2) power cycle is an innovative concept for converting thermal energy to electrical energy.It uses sCO 2 as the working fluid medium in a closed or semi-closed Brayton thermodynamic cycle. The sCO 2 power cycles have several benefits such as high cycle efficiency, small equipment size …

Corrosion in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide: Materials, …

MA754. Supercritical CO2 testing will be performed at 450°C, 550°C, and 650°C at a pressure of 20 MPa, in a test facility that is already in place at the proposing university. High purity CO2 (99.9998%) will be used for these tests. Task 2: Investigation of the effects of CO, H2O, and O2 impurities in supercritical CO2 on corrosion:

Polar Attributes of Supercritical Carbon Dioxide | Accounts …

Supercritical carbon dioxide (scCO2) is increasingly promoted as an environmentally benign alternative to conventional organic solvents. The supercritical state bridges the gap between liquid and gaseous states by offering gaslike diffusion rates and liquidlike solvent densities, thereby enabling potential opportunities as a reaction and …

Design Performance Simulation of a Supercritical CO2 Cycle …

This study presents a train of thought and method for flue gas energy utilization management by connecting an optimized supercritical carbon dioxide (S-CO2) Brayton cycle with a selected steam/water Rankine cycle to recover the turbine exhaust gas heat with promising flue gas coupling capacity. Better performance over the currently …

Performance Analysis and Evaluation of a Supercritical CO2 …

The utilization of sensible waste heat such as flue gas and industrial surplus heat is essential for energy saving. Supercritical CO2 power generation cycle is a promising way to be used in this field. In this paper, a new supercritical CO2 Rankine cycle coupled with an absorption refrigeration cycle is proposed, which consists of a …

Concentrating Solar Power | Department of Energy

Supercritical carbon dioxide (sCO2) power cycles have the potential to reduce the cost of concentrating solar power (CSP) by far more efficiently converting high-temperature solar heat into electricity. The Solar Energy Technologies Office pursues dramatic cost reductions in technologies to make solar electricity available to all Americans.

Carbon Dioxide Supercritical Extraction

The supercritical carbon dioxide extraction recovered 77.6 g of freeze-dried extract per kilogram of raw OMW with relatively high concentrations in polyphenols (10.9 g/kg of which 60.1% is di-hydroxytyrosol), PUFA (20 g/kg), MUFA (601 g/kg), and other valuable compounds such as squalene (10 g/kg). These substances are of great interest in ...

CO2 Extraction Process

Pioneering Supercritical CO2 Systems. Eden Labs has been engineering Supercritical Fluid Extraction (SFE- CO2) since 1995 and Ethanol distillers since 1994. It began with our vision to promote safer, healthier …


Abstract. Supercritical carbon dioxide (scCO 2) could be one aspect of a significant and necessary movement towards green chemistry, being a potential replacement for volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Unfortunately, carbon dioxide has a notoriously poor solubilising power and is famously difficult to handle.

Supercritical and near-critical CO

unlike water, the supercritical regime of CO2 is read-ily accessible, given its critical temperature of only 304 K. ∗ Tel.: +1-412-624-9641 fax: 1-412-624-9639. E-mail address:[email protected] (E.J. Beckman). Whereas the use of carbon dioxide as raw ma-terial or solvent could produce product (property)