Kaltim Prima Coal | PT. Bumi Resources Tbk

PT Kaltim Prima Coal We are a coal mining company located in the region Sangatta, East Kalimantan, Indonesia. We operate the largest open-pit Mining in the world. PT Kaltim Prima Coal (KPC) is an Indonesian incorporated company that engages in coal mining and sales for both domestic and international customers from various industrial sectors.

Arif Arifuddin Email & Phone Number

Arif Arifuddin works at PT Kaltim Prima Coal (KPC), which is a Minerals & Mining company with an estimated 5,200 employees. Arif is currently based in Sangatta, East Kalimantan. Found email listings include: @kpc.co.id. Read More . Contact. Arif Arifuddin's Phone Number and Email Last Update. 2/6/2023 3:05 PM.

Tanjung Bara Coal Terminal

Tanjung Bara Coal Terminal (TBCT) is a coal port located in north Samarinda, East Kalimantan, Indonesia. It is owned by Kaltim Prima Coal and has been operational since 1991. [1] Contents 1 Location 2 Background 3 Ownership 4 Project Details 5 Articles and Resources 5.1 Sources 5.2 Related GEM.wiki articles 5.3 External Articles …

Kaltim Prima Coal

Kaltim Prima Coal (KPC) is a major Indonesian coal mining company with operating mines around Sangatta, the capital of the East Kutai Regency (Kutim), in the East Kalimantan province of Indonesia. On its website the company states that it's aim was to mine 41.6 million tonnes of coal. Kaltim Prima Coal has:

Kaltim Prima Coal

Bumi Resources Tbk. PT. Bumi Resources Tbk is a company, which is listed on the Indonesian Stock Exchange, with interests in oil and gas operations and other energy projects. Kaltim Prima Coal exports. Tanjung Bara Coal Terminal (TBCT) is a coal port located in Sangata, Indonesia. The port has a 500,000 MT capacity stockpile, to load …

PT Kaltim Prima Coal (KPC)

PT Kaltim Prima Coal (KPC) mengoperasikan tambang batubara di Sangatta Kalimantan Timur dan merupakan salah satu tambang batubara ekspor terbesar di dunia. Untuk mempertahankan posisinya …

PT. Kaltim Prima Coal | LinkedIn

PT. Kaltim Prima Coal | 64.660 pengikut di LinkedIn. KPC operations are located around Sangatta, the capital of the East Kutai Regency (Kutim), in the East Kalimantan province of Indonesia. The town is on the Sangatta …

Career – PT Kaltim Prima Coal

Related to recent updates on information regarding fraud in recruitment process and employee selection process using PT Kaltim Prima Coal name … Contact Us. Main Office M1 Building Mine Site Sangatta, Kutai Timur Kalimantan Timur – Indonesia Phone: +62 549 52 1155 Fax: +62 549 52 1701 ...

Tanjung Bara Coal Terminal

It also has a barge-loading facility, which transfers coal to oceangoing vessels on the open sea using floating cranes. KPC also transports coal via the Lubuk Tutung Coal Terminal, which is located about 30 km north along the coastline. Ownership. PT Kaltim Prima Coal (KPC) was originally jointly owned by BP and Rio Tinto. Although …


PT Kaltim Prima Coal is one of the largest coal company in Indonesia, whichs located in Sangata, East Kutai, East Kalimantan. One objective of the company is a producer of coal with high competitiveness whose products are demand by consumers, so it takes a marketing strategy to increase sales and to competeeffectively

Kaltim Prima Coal | PT. Bumi Resources Tbk

PT Kaltim Prima Coal (KPC) is an Indonesian incorporated company that engages in coal mining and sales for both domestic and international customers from various industrial sectors. From our head office in Sangatta, East Kutai regency, East Borneo Province and our representative offices in Jakarta, Samarinda, and Balikpapan, KPC manages a ...

PT Kaltim Prima Coal (KPC)

PT Kaltim Prima Coal (KPC) memiliki konsesi pertambangan dengan ukuran sekitar 90.938 hektar di Sangatta dan Bengalon di provinsi Kalimantan Timur, Indonesia. Pada 2012, total produksi batubara KPC di tambang Sangatta dan Bengalon mencapai 41,0 juta ton, naik dari 40,5 juta ton pada 2011.


But coal mining companies are required to continue operating, to ensure energy supplies in the event of a global pandemic. PT. Kaltim Prima Coal, as one of the largest coal companies in Indonesia, is fully committed to ensuring the availability of energy supply both regionally and globally. This is in line with the vision of PT. Kaltim Prima Coal.