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Industries Mining Company size 10,001+ employees Headquarters Melbourne, Victoria Type Public Company Founded 1851 Specialties Extraction, Processing and transportation,...


БиЭйчПи БИЛЛИТОН ИННОВЕЙШН ПТИ ЛТД (AU) БиЭйчПи БИЛЛИТОН ИННОВЕЙШН ПТИ ЛТД Priority date (The priority date is an assumption and is not a …


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BHPはをリードするグローバルです。 は、、、をむしいコモディティーの、のできる、のあるグローバルサプライヤーでありけるというをっています。 また、、ガス、エネルギーのについてもきなをしています。 々はであり、2つの(BHP …

BP completes purchase of BHP assets in US onshore

HOUSTON – BP has completed the $10.5 billion acquisition of BHP's U.S. unconventional assets in a landmark deal that will significantly upgrade BP's U.S. onshore oil and gas portfolio and help drive long-term growth. The acquisition – which was announced in July and closed as scheduled on October 31– adds oil and gas production …

About: BHP

BHP Billiton, «Би-Эйч-Пи Биллитон» — крупнейшая в мире горнодобывающая компания. Основная штаб-квартира находится в Мельбурне (Австралия) дополнительная — в Лондоне (Великобритания). Основными направлениями деятельности являются добыча нефти и газа (в том числе сланцевых), меди, …

Brake HP and Motor HP calculation/understanding

To give you a calculation using your values, a minimum of 30 BHP and a maximum of 40 BHP is required. I assume its BHP (you didn't say if it is fluid hydraulic power, or BHP). Let's take the 40 BHP case. PumpBHP = 40 so a 50 HP rated motor is OK, because that is a rated motor shaft power which will be delivered to the pump.

Компанийн танилцуулга: BHP Billiton

BHP Billiton нь дэлхийн 25 орны 100,000 орчим ажиллагсадтай уул уурхайн ба нөөцийн томоохон компаниудын нэг юм. ... Биллитон 1860-аад онд Индонезийн Белатита арал дээр цагаан тугалга олборлож байсан бол ...

Boiler horsepower to horsepower [BHP to HP] conversion tables

How to convert boiler horsepower to horsepower [BHP to HP]:. P HP = 13.1523275 × P BHP. How many horsepower in a boiler horsepower: If P BHP = 1 then P HP = 13.1523275 × 1 = 13.1523275 HP. How many horsepower in 23 boiler horsepower: If P BHP = 23 then P HP = 13.1523275 × 23 = 302.5035325 HP. Note: Boiler horsepower is an imperial or …

Vendor PO and Payments · BHP Billiton Case Management

Vendor PO and Payments Queries. Please submit your BHP payment services queries by completing the form below. The mandatory fields (marked with ) must be completed before the form can be submitted. Help is available for a number of fields where you see the question mark icon. Hover your mouse over the icon to display the help. BHP Copper …

BHP announces changes to its Executive Leadership Team

BHP announces changes to its Executive Leadership Team 16 August 2022 BHP has today announced two changes to the Executive Leadership Team (ELT) that will take effect on 1 October 2022. Edgar Basto will be appointed Chief Operating Officer and Geraldine Slattery will be appointed President Australia. Chief Operating Officer