AKA Geosains Consulting

We are an Indonesian-based geological and mining consultant. We have expertise and are experienced across all commodities and mining methods. We provide most quality solution for you EXPLORATION SERVICES TRAINING DUE DILIGENCE SAMPLING & QUALITY ASSURANCE/QUALITY CONTROL SERVICES REPORTING MINING SERVICES …

Pt Sambas Mineral Mining

Pt sambas minerals mining is nickel mining company that has project location in southeast sulawesi and has been operating since 2011 jobs description : Source: inilahsultra. Sambas mineral mining of konawe selatan. By creating an account you are able to follow friends and experts you trust and see the places.

Miftakulloh Akbar

PT SAMBAS MINERALS MINING GROUP. Mar 2020 - Saat ini2 tahun 11 bulan. Greater Jakarta Area, Indonesia. - Determine proposal feasibility by checking customer RFQs. - Handle complex proposals supported by risk assessment, cash flow, scope of supply definition, responsibility matrix and project schedule. - Understand business goals, …

PT Sambas Mineral Mining

Exploration Supervision of PT Sambas Mineral Mining Palangga District, South Konawe Regency, South East Sulawesi Nickel. Contact Info. Ruko Golden Madrid 2 Blok H No 23 BSD City Serpong Jl. Letnan Sutopo No. 2, Lengkong Gudang Timur, Kota Tangerang Selatan, Banten 15311 +6221-2223-2764.

Zutrawati Zakaria

Experienced Corporate Secretary with a demonstrated history of working in the mining. Skilled in Negotiation, Export, Business Planning, Public Speaking, Human Resources, English, and company Management and policies. Strong administrative professional with a Bachelor's degree focused in English Language and Literature/Letters from Universitas ...