Distillation Pilot Plants | Modular Distillation Systems | Zeton

A range of high-quality construction materials are available to suit the application of your distillation pilot plant, including: Carbon steel. Glass. Hastelloy. Inconel. Stainless steel. In addition to fractional distillation systems, Zeton can also design and build systems for absorption, stripping, solvent extraction, membrane separation and ...


1. distillation principles 2. vapour liquid equilibria 3. basic distillation equipment and operation 4. distillation column design and 5. the factors that affect distillation column operation Lets clarify some of the termonology that is used in distillation by considering a two component mixture eg. a simple binary system of 50% water and 50% ...

Distillation en parfumerie, fabrication du parfum | Olfastory

La distillation ou l'art de fabriquer du parfum à l'aide de la vapeur d'eau. La distillation est un procédé technique utilisé en parfumerie et reposant sur la capacité de la vapeur d'eau à capter les huiles essentielles. Celle-ci s'avère être une méthode particulièrement ancienne et toujours très utilisée à l'heure actuelle.

Methods for Extracting Essential Oils

The most commonly used extraction method is the steam distillation or water distillation method (Figure 1).This extraction process can last between 1 and 10 h.The amount of oil produced depends on length of distillation time, temperature, pressure, and type of plant material (Naves, 1974).During distillation, plant materials are exposed to …

Lemongrass Oil Extraction Methods, Process | Agri Farming

Lemongrass oil is collected by distillation unit of the herbage for 1.5 to 2 hrs. The distillate on cooling separates out into a layer of oil, floating over the bulk of water which is composed by decantation. The lemongrass is distilled either fresh or after wilting. Distillation. Lemongrass oil is obtained through steam distillation ...

Membrane distillation | EMIS

Membrane distillation (MD) is a separation process where a micro-porous hydrophobic membrane separates two aqueous solutions at different temperatures. ... If one assumes that MD technology is fully developed, the total production cost of a hypothetical DCMD de-salting plant with 30% internal heat recuperation for the production of clean water ...

La Distillation : comment ça marche ?

Notre méthode de distillation . Il existe plusieurs méthodes de distillation connue et la plus ancienne est l'hydrodistillation. Elle consiste à mélanger la plante et l'eau dans un alambic. L'alambic est alors directement chauffé par une source de chaleur externe …

Distillation | Definition, Process, & Methods | Britannica

distillation, process involving the conversion of a liquid into vapour that is subsequently condensed back to liquid form. It is exemplified at its simplest when steam from a kettle becomes deposited as drops of distilled water on a cold surface. Distillation is used to separate liquids from nonvolatile solids, as in the separation of alcoholic liquors from …


Figure 2. Schematic view of a horizontal tube Multi-Effect Distillation plant (IDE Design, Internet publication). Steam condensation inside horizontal tubes and seawater evaporation on the outer side is the heart of one of the most common MED processes. Seawater is …

Hydrodistillation Hydrodistillation. Hydrodistillation has long been used for the extraction of essential oils and bioactive compounds from plant materials. Hydrodistillation can be performed in three different ways: water distillation, water and steam distillation, and direct steam distillation (Azmir et al., 2013 ). Three main physicochemical processes ...

Essential Oils: Extraction Techniques, Pharmaceutical And …

Essential oils from different plant species contain more than 200 constituents which are comprised of volatile and non-volatile components. ... steam distillation, hydrodiffusion, solvent extraction) methods have been discussed for the extraction of essential oils. Advanced methods are considered as the most promising extraction techniques due ...

Séchage des plantes aromatiques et médicinales

La capacité de l'air à se charger en eau augmente lorsque la température de l'air augmente. C'est pourquoi il est préférable de sécher les plantes avec un air plutôt chaud qui aura plus de capacité à se charger en eau et donc à sécher les plantes. Par exemple : Un air à 20°C et à 60%HR contient 10,5 g/m3 de vapeur d'eau

2.2: Distillation

2.2: Distillation. Distillation is a purification technique for a liquid or a mixture of liquids. We utilize the difference in boiling points of liquids as a basis of separation. The core of a distillation process, is selective evaporation and condensation of particular components. Our overall goal is to evaporate and condense only one ...

About Distillation | The School of Aromatic Studies

During this type of distillation you will remove the column, place weighed plant material and weighed water into the pot. Ann Harman recommends a 3:1 (w/w) ratio. 3 pounds of water with 1 pound of plant material. Too much water may result in a weak hydrosol where as too little water could result in the burning of the pot and/or plant material.

Huile essentielle de Lavandin bio : distillation

Voici plusieurs astuces pour savoir si vous voyez un champ de lavande ou un champ de lavandin :-les plants de lavande fine sont chacun génétiquement unique alors que les lavandins sont tous identiques : un champ de lavandin aura une couleur uniforme avec de grosses touffes régulières, tandis qu'un champ de lavande offre des dégradés …