rockfill materials collected from rock quarry of Pakal Dul Hydroelectric Project, Kishtwar, Jammu and Kashmir (CSMRS Report, 2009). The objective of investigation presented here is to provide experimental data showing the effect of modelling of the gradation curves on the strength and

Extreme Gradient Boosting Algorithm for Predicting Shear

Rockfill materials (RFM) are commonly used in the construction of high embankment dams in order to harness natural water resources. RFM is comprised of gravels, cobbles, and boulders obtained by blasting rock quarries or natural riverbeds. Material from riverbeds is rounded to subrounded, and material from quarries is angular …

Construction Specification 25—Rockfill

The work consists of the construction of rockfill zones of embankments and other rockfills required by the drawings and specifications, including bedding where specified. 2. Material. Material for rockfill and bedding shall be obtained from the specified sources unless otherwise specified in section 10 of this specification.

Large Scale Testing of Rockfill Materials | Journal of the …

A brief description is made of the rockfill laboratory of the Comision Federal de Electricidad in Mexico. Equipment is available for large-scale (specimens 113 cm in diam) triaxial and compressibility testing of granular materials with maximum particle size up to 20 cm, under lateral pressures up to 25 kg per sq cm. Results of triaxial tests run with three different …

Engineering Behavior of Alluvial Rockfill Material

Rockfill material is being used in the Earth core rockfill dam (ECRD) and concrete faced rockfill dams (CFRD) because of its inherent flexibility, ability to absorb large seismic energy and adoptability to various foundation conditions. In laboratory, large size rockfill materials cannot be tested directly.

Testing and modeling of rockfill materials: A review

Large Scale Testing of Rockfill Materials. R. J. Marsal. Geology. 1967. A brief description is made of the rockfill laboratory of the Comision Federal de Electricidad in Mexico. Equipment is available for large-scale (specimens 113 cm in diam) triaxial and…. Expand. 491. Highly Influential.

Influence of Scale Effect on Strength and Deformation

The hybrid method was adopted to model the original gradation of rockfill materials. According to the specification requirements, three simulated gradations of rockfill materials have been obtained. By the same token, the corresponding maximum particle sizes are 20 mm, 40 mm and 60 mm, respectively. …

Particle mechanics modeling of the effect of aggregate …

Two different shapes of rockfill aggregates were considered: rounded and irregular aggregates. Defining the longest distance between two points in rockfill aggregates as a nominal diameter, the nominal diameter of rockfill aggregates in both rounded and irregular samples ranged between 6.8 mm and 11.2 mm, with the average …

Factors Influencing the Behavior of Rockfill Materials

In this paper, rockfill material is considered as a shell and provides the internal stability to the structure. Rockfill material is also useful for distributing the water load on a wider foundation. The strength has been influenced by various factors for both riverbed and quarried rockfill material.

Factors Influencing the Behavior of Rockfill Materials

Rockfill material used in this investigation was collected from basted quarries. It consists of angular to sub-angular shape. Rockfill prototype material consists of grading material from 600 mm to <75 µ (restricted to 5%). John Lowe established a relation in 1964 which is usually used to scale down from prototype to modeled material.

Influence of Scale Effect on Strength and Deformation …

1. Introduction. As the main filling material of earth rock dams, rockfill materials are widely used because they can be adapt to more complex geological conditions [1,2,3].Block stone, crushed stone, stone slag, sandy soil, stone chips, backfill, and mixed soil containing a large number of coarse particles in cohesive soil are …

Engineering Behavior of Alluvial Rockfill Material

2.1 Material Used. For the present research work, rockfill material collected from a hydropower Project in Jammu & Kashmir. The d max of the material is 600 mm and gradation of the material is shown in Fig. 1.For testing in a large size triaxial cell of 381-mm diameter and 813-mm height, the material has been modeled to maximum particle sizes …