Багаар ажиллах чадвар by Bilguun S

БАГААР АЖИЛЛАХ ЧАДВАР Ажилд ороход тавигддаг хамгийн гол шаардлагуудын нэг бол БАГААР АЖИЛЛАХ ЧАДВАР юм. Учир нь багаар ажилласнаар дараах давуу талыг бий болгодог. 1. …

Dyno Mill

Dyno Mill aims to achieve the complete control over the milling process of thin-walled work pieces. This will be realised through a threefold approach combining the development of …


DYNO ® -MILL ECM-AP. Suitable for high throughputs and highly viscous products. Availability of metallic and ceramic variants. Uniform distribution of the grinding bead density in the grinding chamber for maximum …


DYNO®-MILL MULTI LAB Laboratory mill with unique flexibility Ideal for very small batches in R&D with grinding chambers from 0.15 to 0.6 litres Suitable for small-scale production (particularly with the 1.4-litre grinding chamber) Discontinuous and continuous operation with one and the same laboratory mill

WAB KDL-A Dyno-Mill Agitator Bead Mill

The WAB Dyno-Mill Type KDL Agitator Bead Mill is an agitator bead mill with horizontal grinding container for the continuous and small batch dispersion and finest wet-grinding. The KDL Mill features a slimline grinding chamber with optimal length/diameter ratio. The special shape of the agitator discs guarantees the most energy-efficient use ...


The gap width is adjustable to suit the grinding bead size. The medium-sized production mills (KD 20B-60) are also available with a screen separator as an option. The KD 120A to KD 600 types are fitted exclusively with an easily removable arched screen. Grinding beads of different materials and sizes (0.3 –2.5 mm) can be used.

Багаар ажиллах соёл by

Багаар ажиллах зарчим Багаар ажиллах чадвар таньд зайлшгүй хэрэгтэй 1. Удирдлагын үүрэгт ордоггүй ажлыг удирдага хийхээс зайлсхийх 2. Удирдах ёстой ажлын тоо цөөн байх. 3. Гишүүдийн хэлсэн үг, шинэ санаа бодлыг няцаахгүй байх, учир нь аливаа асуудлыгшүүн хэлэлцэх нь дан ганц удирдлагын үүрэг бус …


DYNO ® -MILL ECM-AP Suitable for high throughputs and highly viscous products Availability of metallic and ceramic variants Uniform distribution of the grinding bead density in the grinding chamber for maximum …

Dyno Mill

Wahal Engineer's manufactured DYNO Mills are conventional mills with agitator grinding discs for wet grinding in the micro meter range. It is an agitator bead mill equipped with a grinding container to suffice the process of dispersion and wet grinding in a completely enclosed system. Dyno Mill aims to achieve the complete control over the ...

Tipco Engineering

Dyno Mill. Price Approx: INR 7,00,000-18,00,000. Dyno Mill is an agitator bead mill with a horizontal grinding container for dispersion and finest wet grinding in a completely enclosed system. The dyno mill is appropriate for a wide range of items from low to exceptionally gooey pumpable items. Uniquely composed instigator circles, mounted ...

БАГААР АЖИЛЛАХ by Zoljargal Banzragch

Байгууллага болгон нэг баг. Иймд та ажлын байрандаа багаар хуваагдсан эсэхээс үл хамааран нэг багийн гишүүн байдаг. 1. Ажилтнууд байрлалын хувьд ойр байрладаг, ашиг сонирхлын …

Dyno Mill

Dyna Mill / Dyno Mill Machine has a wide range of applications:- Ink Industry Dye Stuffs and pigmentation production Paint industry Food Industry Audio and Video tape coating Thermal and fax paper coating Fillers for paper and plastics industries Pharmaceutical industry Advantages The DYNO / Dyna mills can grind with beads between 0.3-2.5 mm