Mineral Museum

Upon the campus of the New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology lies one of the great treasure troves of the southwest. Gold, silver, and precious gems, the objects of the Conquistador's travels and travails, glitter on glass shelves next to other spectacular mineral forms. ... Socorro, NM 87801 575-835-5490 . Our bookstore is located on ...

Rosedale mine 2

Ltd. 58 tons of concentrate was shipped that year to the ASARCO smelter in El Paso which returned 158 ounces of gold and 147 ounces of silver for a value of $5,641. The following year, they expanded the cyanide plant to …

Socorro Mine, Harquahala Mining District, La Paz County, …

The shaft inclines 26ºN. Produced $20,000 of Au (1906-1914). A 20-stamp mill equipped for amalgamation, concentration & cyanidation (built 1904). This mine was worked intermittently fom the early 1900's through 1960. It produced some 4,800 tons of ore averaging about 0.2 oz. Au/T, 0.1 oz. Ag/T and a small amount of lead.

Socorro County, New Mexico Gold Mines | The Diggings™

Socorro, NM County, New Mexico Location Gold, Lead, and Silver Commodity Mine Development Status Hansonburg Lead Mine Near Bingham, New Mexico Socorro, NM County, New Mexico Location Barium-Barite, Copper, and Fluorine-Fluorite Commodity Mine Development Status Papa Copper Mine Near Magdalena, New Mexico Socorro, …

Mineral Museum

Upon the campus of the New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology lies one of the great treasure troves of the southwest. Gold, silver, and precious gems, the objects of the Conquistador's travels and travails, …


issued by the Director of the Mining and Minerals Division ("MMD") of the New Mexico Energy, Minerals and Natural Resources Department to: Whose address is: Dicaperl Minerals Corporation P.O. Box 1436 Socorro, NM 87801 ("Dicaperl" or "Permittee") for the Socorro Mine and Mill ("the Mine"), located in Socorro County, New Mexico.

M005 Mining records

This Collection contains records of mining in the San Juan mountains of southwestern Colorado and beyond. Unique ID. M005. Quantity. 14 linear shelf feet of records contained in 18 document boxes, 2 flat boxes, 1 small box, …

M005 Mining records

Socorro Mines--Accounting. Red Arrow Mine--Accounting. Series/Container List Record Groups RG 1: Who's Who in Engineering and national mining organizations RG 2: General mining publications RG 3: Mines and mining in Colorado, including uranium and vanadium RG 4: Oil and gas exploration in Colorado RG 5: Coal mining in colorado

Collection: Socorro Mining and Milling Company …

The collection consists mostly of correspondence and business letters about the day to day operations of the mines owned and operated by the Mogollon Gold and Copper Co., 1905-1915, which was purchased by the the Socorro Mining and Milling Company (earlier called the Socorro Mines Company), 1915-1948 .

Home · Dicalite Management Group

Socorro Perlite production was the original source of New Mexico perlite, beginning production in 1949. The perlite dome that Dicaperl has developed at Socorro is one of the premier deposits in the world. The various ore …

CONTACT INFORMATION Mining Records Curator …

Gold properties in the Socorro Reef area have been pros­ pected and worked since the latter part of the last century. Most active mines in the area were vein type deposits in the granite, quartzite and limestone. During the 1920's or perhaps earlier El Tigre Mining Company carried out an extensive trenching

Dicaperl Perlite Mine, Socorro, Socorro County, NM

The health risks to the residents of Socorro are extremely limited because of the low levels of crystalline silica that is present in the deposit. This mine will be located at the outskirts of the town of Socorro for decades to come, with no harm to any residents. Socorro's world renowned perlite will also be enjoyed by consumers for decades.


President and CEO of Socorro, I raised approximately US$ 3 million from private investors to design, build and operate three gold and silver heap leach mines: Harquahala (Arizona), La Pinta ... In June 2000, I led the group of senior geologists and mining executives who formed a limited partnership in Arizona for the purpose of acquiring ...