Société Minière de Boké

It is time for the mining sector to live up to the expectations of both people and nations by participating in the promotion of sustainable development, economic diversification, and human capital. This is why we at SMB are …


The Simandou Project is a mining project of global importance, comprising: An open-pit iron mine in the Simandou mountain range in south-eastern Guinea, approximately 600 km from the Guinean coast, with an …


SMB-MINING is a private Mauritanian mining company based in Nouakchott Mauritania. It aspires not only to be a forerunner mining company locally but also to be a leading mining company globally. SMB-MINING is launching the first kaolin project in the country. KSAR ZRD EXT ° 29, Nouakchott,Mauritania

Avocet Mining PLC | Contact

This website can also be used to modify your personal details (such as address). If you have any queries regarding your details as a shareholder, you should contact our registrars as follows: Computershare Investor Services PLC The Pavilions Bridgwater Road Bristol BS99 6ZY United Kingdom +44 870 707 1802 …

Understanding the impact of deep-sea mining

Currently, nickel and cobalt are extracted through land-based mining operations. Much of this mining occurs in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, which produces 60 percent of the world's cobalt. These land-based mines often impact surrounding environments through the destruction of habitats, erosion, and soil and …

Our Business – SMB-MINING

SMB MINING has a 10-year license to exploit Hassi Abyad kaolin within an area of 24 km² . Hassi Abyad kaolin has a very fine particle size. More than 70% of the grains are located in the particle size fraction of less than 2 μm. Ceramic tests of selected samples (low iron) have shown that Mauritanian kaolin is suitable for various ceramic ...


The mining and mineral processing operations will run for a minimum of approximately 25 years . The Simandou Project is a mining project of global importance, comprising: An open-pit iron mine in the Simandou mountain range in south-eastern Guinea, approximately 600 km from the Guinean coast, with an estimated potential capacity of up to 100 ...

cheikhani khlil

SMB MINING exports superior Kaolin to all its clients around the world with competitive prices. We give our clients the option to choose FOB or CIF to transport their orders, not only regionally,...

Avocet Mining SMB

Avocet Mining SMB is a gold mining company that was originally admitted to the Official List of the London Stock Exchange in 1996 and moved its listing to AIM in July 2002. Avocet is a focused West African gold mining and exploration company with its primary operations in Burkina Faso and Guinea Business ID: 1457 Founded in: 1995

DRC's SMB to leave ITSCI certification programme

SMB communications director Philippe Stuyck told Reuters that the firm has submitted a notice to end its contract with ITSCI, reportedly due to the scheme's growing costs. The notice period is for 30 days. In December, the company wrote a letter to the DRC's minister of mining, stating that it had 'no choice but to end its relations with ...

Employing precision surface mining at African bauxite mine

SMB found precision surface mining methods to be much more straightforward, with less prep time and fewer steps involved. Using top-down cutting, the Terrain Leveler SEM is able to work the ground layer by layer, while producing consistently sized product that does not typically require additional screening or crushing.


SMB-MINING is a pioneer company in metallic and non-metallic minerals such as Gold, Copper, Kaolin and many other valuable minerals in Mauritania. This video is private Watch on SMB-MINING is your trusted mining partner in Mauritania. SMB-MINING is a private Mauritanian mining company based in Nouakchott Mauritania.


The SMB WINNING CONSORTIUM infrastructures It is an Integrated Logistics model, starting with the day-to-day management of site resources, which are transported by trucks on exclusive mining roads, leading to …

Société Minière de Boké-Winning Africa (SMB-WAP

Frédéric Bouzigues explains: "We have Boké Mining Company (SMB), which mines bauxite in the Boké region, and Winning Africa Port SA (WAP), which manages all of the river port terminal operations on the Rio Nuñez for the shipping of bauxite." The bauxite mining industry does not use any products, processing, drying or burning.

cheikhani khlil

I am excited to be part of a promising mining project in Mauritania. As the SMB MINING company director of Communications and Public relations, I am enthusiastically tasked with branding the company mineral products, …

Simandou Iron Ore Deposit, Republic of Guinea, West Africa

The SMB-Winning Consortium expects to develop a 110Mtpa iron ore mine in two phases at a total estimated cost of £11.6bn ($15bn). The first phase of the Simandou North project is expected to incur an investment of £6.2bn ($8bn), including £3.8bn ($5bn) on a 650km railroad, £1.2bn ($1.5bn) each for the mine development and for a port at Matakong.

Avocet Mining SMB

Avocet Mining SMB is a gold mining company that was originally admitted to the Official List of the London Stock Exchange in 1996 and moved its listing to AIM in July 2002. Avocet is a focused West African gold mining and exploration company with its primary operations in Burkina Faso and Guinea. Business ID: 1457; Founded in: 1995 ; Mining Business …